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Writer's picturejanetlynch

1 Week to Departure Day

Updated: Apr 12, 2022

Despite my previous confidence, these past four weeks have been insanely busy, fortunately, we have Lola supervising us every day to keep us on track. We have been lucky enough to find renters for 3 of months that we'll be on the road. Then we decided that we should not only prep the house for the summer renters, but also to do a major clear out to have the house ready for the year-long rental while we are in Portugal next year. Perhaps it was madness to take on so much, but as we keep telling ourselves, it will make those couple of months between this trip and leaving for Portugal a whole lot easier.

Our summer tenants are a brother and sister, Pete and Emily and their good friend, George. They are young professionals who are able to work remotely and wanted to spend the summer exploring the greater Sacramento/Lake Tahoe area. We had a walk through with Pete and his lovely girlfriend, Kristen this past Saturday. It didn't take long before I got the feeling that this was all just meant to be. They had been struggling to find a place for the summer and just happened to get a tip about the not well known, Furnished Finder website, where they found our listing. We discovered many, many commonalities - Large families, Irish Mothers and George was born and raised in Towson, so a fellow Marylander. We both feel 100% comfortable that they will take great care of our home in addition to having an absolute blast of a summer in this exceptionally lovely spot.

There is still a very long list of prep to do, so I better get back to it, next post will be from the road!

Lola giving us the Serious Supervisor look
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Apr 20, 2022

so great to be able to live vicariously through the Lynch family. Looking forward to reading all about it.

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